EduPlay - Ready-to-Launch E-Learning Platform Solution

Get a EduPlay that streamlines your online education business, ensuring a smooth and scalable experience for both learners and instructors. Our solution offers robust features and a user-friendly interface, making it easier than ever to expand and manage your e-learning platform efficiently.


Multi-platform Support

Compatible with iOS, Android, and web browsers.

Secure Payment Options

Multiple payment gateways for smooth & secure transactions.

Cloud Integration

Secure and scalable cloud-based storage and hosting.


Auto-Enroller To Simplify Student Enrollment

Automate and optimize the enrollment process with features like intelligent form processing, real-time data validation, and customized enrollment paths. Enroll hundreds of students swiftly to different courses, saving time for strategic educational initiatives.

Enhanced Learning Journey with Specialized Features

Users can customize their learning paths by filtering courses based on interests, skill levels, and career goals. They can set learning reminders, track progress with interactive dashboards, and engage in peer discussions to deepen their understanding. The tailored recommendations ensure that the users find the most relevant courses to achieve their objectives.


Unified Web Experience for Unbothered Learning Journey

Consistent functionality paired with an intuitive interface ensures a smooth user experience. Its user-friendly design facilitates effortless navigation, ensuring accessibility for all users, from learners to administrators.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There is no recurring license cost. There is just one time license cost of 3000$ for using the system lifetime for your business