Superpage - Project/Task Management Application

A fully customizable solution tailored to enhance productivity and streamline workflows for your users. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, TaskMaster Pro integrates advanced features for task scheduling, team collaboration, and progress tracking.


Custom Dashboards

Create customizable dashboards that display key project metrics, task statuses, and team performance indicators to keep stakeholders informed.

Automated Task Reminders

Automatically send reminders and notifications for upcoming deadlines, pending approvals, and other critical task updates to keep the project on track.

Onsite Deployment

For smooth business transition, our team will deploy the system onto your chosen infrastructure at no extra cost. Also, our Customer Support team is here to assist you even after going live.


Maximized Efficiency with Streamlined Task Handling

Users can reduce their manual effort and enhance productivity by managing hundreds of tasks simultaneously. Sharepage enables quick assignment, tracking, and completion of tasks, freeing up your time for high-impact activities.

Enhanced Task Management with Specialized Features

Refine your users' project management strategy with advanced targeting and customization options. Let them set task priorities, allocate resources efficiently, and define deadlines to ensure optimal workflow.


Drive Results with Tailored Task Assignments

Users can create and assign tasks with precision using customizable templates and detailed project briefs. They can tailor tasks to specific team members' strengths and skill sets, maximizing efficiency and output.

Consistent User Experience with a Unified Interface

Give your users a consistent and intuitive user experience with Sharepage's unified web interface. The user-friendly design ensures easy navigation and accessibility, allowing your users to manage tasks and projects effortlessly.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There is no recurring license cost. There is just one time license cost of 3000$ for using the system lifetime for your business