Real-World Examples of Violating the Open-Closed Principle


In the world of object-oriented programming, adhering to the Open-Closed Principle (OCP) is crucial for writing maintainable and extensible code. The OCP states that software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. However, in real-world scenarios, developers often encounter situations where this principle is violated, leading to code that is hard to maintain, prone to bugs, and difficult to extend. Let's delve into some common examples where the Open-Closed Principle is violated and explore how these issues can be addressed through refactoring.

Example 1: Conditional Statements Proliferation

Issue: One common violation of the Open-Closed Principle occurs when conditional statements proliferate throughout the codebase. For instance, consider a scenario where a system needs to calculate the shipping cost based on various factors such as destination, weight, and shipping method. Without adhering to the OCP, developers might end up with a series of if-else statements scattered across the codebase to handle different shipping scenarios.

if shipping_method == 'standard':
    shipping_cost = calculate_standard_shipping_cost(destination, weight)
elif shipping_method == 'express':
    shipping_cost = calculate_express_shipping_cost(destination, weight)
elif shipping_method == 'priority':
    shipping_cost = calculate_priority_shipping_cost(destination, weight)
# More conditions added for different scenarios

Solution: To adhere to the Open-Closed Principle, we can utilize polymorphism and abstraction to encapsulate the varying behavior of shipping methods. By defining an abstract ShippingMethod interface or base class and implementing concrete subclasses for each shipping method, we can achieve a more flexible and extensible design.

class ShippingMethod:
    def calculate_shipping_cost(self, destination, weight):

class StandardShipping(ShippingMethod):
    def calculate_shipping_cost(self, destination, weight):
        # Calculate standard shipping cost

class ExpressShipping(ShippingMethod):
    def calculate_shipping_cost(self, destination, weight):
        # Calculate express shipping cost

class PriorityShipping(ShippingMethod):
    def calculate_shipping_cost(self, destination, weight):
        # Calculate priority shipping cost

By following this approach, adding new shipping methods in the future becomes as simple as creating a new subclass of ShippingMethod, thus adhering to the Open-Closed Principle.

Example 2: Hard-Coded Dependencies

Issue: Another common violation of the Open-Closed Principle occurs when classes have hard-coded dependencies on concrete implementations rather than abstractions. This tightly couples classes together, making it challenging to extend or modify the system without modifying existing code.

public class OrderProcessor {
    private DatabaseConnector dbConnector;

    public OrderProcessor() {
        this.dbConnector = new DatabaseConnector(); // Concrete dependency

    public void processOrder(Order order) {
        // Process order logic
        dbConnector.saveOrder(order); // Hard-coded dependency

Solution: To adhere to the Open-Closed Principle, we can introduce dependency inversion by programming to interfaces instead of concrete implementations. By injecting dependencies via constructor or setter methods, we can decouple classes and make them more open for extension.

public class OrderProcessor {
    private DatabaseConnector dbConnector;

    public OrderProcessor(DatabaseConnector dbConnector) {
        this.dbConnector = dbConnector; // Dependency injected via constructor

    public void processOrder(Order order) {
        // Process order logic
        dbConnector.saveOrder(order); // Dependency is now abstract

By following this approach, we can easily replace the DatabaseConnector with a different implementation without modifying the OrderProcessor class, thus adhering to the Open-Closed Principle.


Violating the Open-Closed Principle can lead to code that is fragile, rigid, and difficult to maintain. By recognizing common examples of OCP violations and applying principles such as abstraction, polymorphism, and dependency inversion, developers can refactor their code to be more flexible, extensible, and resilient to change. Embracing the Open-Closed Principle not only improves the design of software systems but also fosters scalability and adaptability in the long run.

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